Homes Flier

PENDEEN COMMUNITY RECYCLING AT THE CENTRE Come and browse our 'This and That ' in the reception area. Someone else's unwanted item could be your treasure! If you do find it, a small donation would be appreciated if you wish. Take a look, too, in the porch, at our preloved paperback and hardback books . All are in good condition and all cost 50p. Please bring books and items for 'This and That' (sorry we can't take electrical goods) to The Centre during opening hours or ring Sandra 787899 to arrange for local collection.
Monday Drop-In Sessions 12.30 – 3.00 pm. Come along and chat with old friends, maybe make new friends too. You can play a board game if you like or read magazines and newspapers, get some IT or smart phone advice, or alter/up-cycle your clothes with resident seamstress Mary. Everyone is welcome, refreshments and light lunches are provided.