Get involved – We need you!

Get involved with your community! We need You! Annual General meeting will be held in March. If you would like to become part of the committee, or one of the Trustees, please sign the list in the Centre. Nominations must be seconded and please get the permission of the person before putting them forward.

If you are new to the area or your circumstances have changed and you are able to spare a few hours…we could have the answers you are looking for!

The Centre is run entirely by a very happy and dedicated team of volunteers.

If you’ve you got promotional, book-keeping, building maintenance or administrative skills or think you might want to learn some, we need to hear from you. Have you some spare time and want to give something back to the community? Come along and meet us ad see what we do. From helping with photocopying to serving refreshments during events or just being part of the setting up or clearing away team we have something you can do which will be helpful, get you out of the house and meeting people. Who know where it might lead you?

Centre of Pendeen

Centre of Pendeen

Volunteers are always welcomed so that we can keep the Centre’s fantastic services available to the community. We are always on the lookout for people to share their skills

= serving tea/coffee and cakes at events

= helping to advertise our activities

= setting up/tidying up after for one of our events

= putting up the bunting, and taking it down again, has to be done by someone!

= fund-raising… help run a fund raising activity

= help with computer drop in sessions

= administration… be part of the team which manages the paperwork

= reception… learn how to photocopy, scan, meet and greet, answer the phone and take messages

Paul Webb Co opted Committee member Snooker & Pool Rep

The Centre is run, by volunteers,  for the benefit of the Community.

If you are able to help, in any way,

please  Contact us