Our village community centre in the far west of Cornwall is a great place for everyone in the Pendeen area to meet, learn, exercise and enjoy leisure activities. Whether you live locally or are visiting the area, please drop in.
The Centre reception is open Monday to Friday from 10.00am until 3.00pm and on Saturday between 10.00am and 12.30 pm for internet access, photocopying, printing etc. and is managed and staffed by helpful volunteers.

Our regular classes and clubs include: an art group, book club, patchwork and craft, parents with toddlers and babies group, yoga, exercise class, gardening club, spinning, and short mat bowls.
Our snooker and pool club is open to members daily from 9.30 a.m. – 9.30 p.m. Drop into the Centre to collect a membership form. Contact Barry Clemens on 07870 933014
The What’s On Poster in The Centre reception area lists all the current week’s activities.
Watch out for our series of special events called Sustainable Pendeen.
We always have an excellent selection of second-hand books for sale at 50p each.
This and That offers new and preloved household items for a modest donation..
Our premises are available to hire for one-off events or regular clubs, classes, exhibitions and meetings.