
The Centre is open Monday to Friday from 10.00am until 3.00pm and on Saturday from 10.00 am until 12.30 pm for internet access, photocopying, printing and other services.

Our Snooker and Pool Club is open to members from 9:30am to 9.30pm daily.

The What’s On poster by The Centre’s reception desk has full details of the week’s activities. Our regular schedule is:


Morning10.00-12.00West Penwith Parents’ Toddlers and Babies GroupMeets each Monday.  For further details see Facebook group or contact Charlotte 07469815052
Afternoon12.30-3.00 Drop-in with activities

free cook and eat sessions
Free Drop-In with activities, refreshments, sewing help and advice and Smart ‘phone help and support.

12.30 – 3.00 pm Free Cook and Eat classes, fun and healthy seasonal cooking sessions for tight budgets, 6 sessions starting on 7th October.
Evening6.00-7.30 p.m.Hatha Flow YogaFor everyone but a degree of physical fitness is advisable). Please get in touch with Rebecca for more information.  Rebecca Ellis: 07907’


Morning 9.15-10.15 
Afternoon 1.00-3.00Art ClassesStart again on 24th September
Contact Gail on 07972 123256
Evening6.00-7.30 p.m.Gentle Yoga & Ease of Movement (for everyone). 

Please get in touch with Rebecca for more information.  Rebecca Ellis: 07907 374278’


Morning 10.00-12.00Coodes Advice ClinicHeld on
9th October, 6th November, 4th December
Afternoon1.00-3.00 p.m.Patchwork and CraftMeeting every fortnight. Contact the Centre if interested
 Evening 17.15-18.15
Evening7.00-9 p.m.Short Mat BowlsContact the Centre if interested


Morning 10.00-11.00Line dancing
Evening6.30-9.00 p.m.
Women’s Institute Meeting (WI)

Meets on the second Thursday of each month.  WI members only.


Book Club

Get Active Exercise Class
Will meet on the 3rd Friday of each month.

Meets monthly on 1st, 2nd and 4th Friday. Contact 07816255405

Spinning Group

free, local led wellbeing walks

27th September, 4th, 11th and 18th October
limited places, sign up to join walks at the Centre of Pendeen
Evening4.45-6.30Gardening Club

Meets on the first Friday of each month

Morning10.00-1.00 amWI Craft and Produce Fair

Held on the first Saturday of each month


 Afternoon2.00-4.30Pendeen Maids Making greetings cards for the Centre

You can book one or more rooms for your activity, class or event.

Food Bank Collection: anyone can leave donations of dried or tinned food and this will be collected each week and passed on to a food bank based in Penzance.